Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Fantastic News!!! Ex government official convicted of 3.8 million Naira Fraud

I know what you are probably thinking; what is so great about a conviction for embezzling ONLY 3.8 million Naira when the fat cats get away with billions stolen from the same source. It is indeed difficult to get excited over this conviction for such a tiny amount of money but dear friends, I say rejoice! Change has to start from somewhere and believe it or not, it has begun.

We Nigerians have developed a great amount of tolerance to fraud and corruption through a continuous exposure to corrupt practices that are never punished. The average Nigerian person would defraud the government or a business if they thought that they wouldn't get caught and this has largely been the case until recently when EFCC and associated bodies were given their mandate.

At the moment, it seems that the EFCC can only bring to justice those in soceity that have little or no political clout and are powerless in dealing with the elite criminals. While we may moan about these small feats, what will be achieved as the convictions continue to roll in is a sustained reduction in the level of tolerance to fraud and corruption amongst the general populace. This effect will be a direct  result of an understanding of the laws of cause and effect, of crime and punishment.

As the greater community's level of moralistic consciousness adjusts with the re-inforcement of each conviction, the masses will begin to demand for EFCC to apply the same rules to the fat cats and excuses will no longer be accepted. What started as a little drop of water has the great potential of turning into a mighty roaring ocean that could sweep corruption from Nigeria.

We all have a part to play in turning the tide, we need to celebrate the succesful convictions of fraudsters by spreading the word which in turn will start the process of raising the public consciousness to the fact that crime WILL be punished. The ball is in our court, lets set it rolling. Start by celebrating this victory and spread the word..

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